MTD (Month-to-date) metric tracking

MTD (Month to Date) metric tracking is a new feature on 10xGoals that helps you create and track goals which have a monthly target

Not all goals are the same. We at 10xGoals understand this and always strive to make your life easier with innovative and best in-class features. With MTD, users and teams with monthly targets will be able to seamlessly collaborate and track their progress to deliver better results!

Example- Ravi works as a sales manager at a big corporation. One of his goals is to grow the monthly sales of the products from 2 crores per month to 3.5 crores per month. To do this, he has set up a monthly goal of 2 crore, 2.75 crore and 3.5 crores for Jan, feb and march respectively. He wants to capture these monthly goals and track the progress against them.

How can I enable MTD on my goals? Step 1: After creating an objective, click on the objective and go to objective details Step 2: On the objective details page, click on the metric button Step 3: Add your metric name, metric type, start and end value and click on +Milestone Step 4: In the milestone pop-up, click on the Track monthly toggle Step 5: Add monthly targets for each remaining month of the quarter Step 6: Click on Save milestone. The quarterly metric for the goal will also change, start value will be 0 and end value will be the sum of all monthly targets

How Can I provide Check-in for a MTD goal? Check-ins for MTD tracked goals work same as normal check-in. You can do check-ins for the current month or the previous month by clicking on the check-in button on the objective details page and choosing the date of check-in. A check-in done for a date in january will change the achievement of January target . How is progress calculated for a MTD goal? When you enable MTD metrics in a goal, we change the quarterly target for it. We make the target for the quarter to be the sum of each monthly target, and the start value is fixed to 0. We also calculate progress and achievement for each month. So when the quarter ends, you are given a holistic view of progress for each month and the entire quarter as well. How can I view my progress for the goal? You can view the progress for a specific month, as well as for the whole quarter. We have also enabled a bar graph comparative view for you so you can easily compare achievement of metric against each monthly target.

There are a few other things you should know before you enable MTD on your goals- 1.) When you enable MTD, all your existing check-ins on the goal are deleted. We do this to ensure cleanness of data and inputs so it can be tracked monthly. However, the deleted check-ins will always be available for you on the activity feed of the goal. 2.) When you change your metric from mtd to a normal metric, all your existing check-ins for that particular goal will be deleted. They will be available only on the activity feed of the goal

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