Admin Settings

Below are a few steps to help admins quickly onboard their orgs and get the most out of 10xGoals.

Inviting people

10xGoals is an "Invite-only" tool and only admins can invite users. 3 ways to invite users to 10xGoals are:

  • Through "Invite" button on main navigation menu on the left hand side

  • Profile photo menu -> People -> Invite

  • Inviting people while assigning owners to OKRs

Re-invite pending users (those invited to the tool but haven’t signed up yet)

  • Invite button on the left hand side menu -> People -> Pending members -> Re-invite all

Making a user admin

  • Check "Make Admin" option after sending the invite

  • Profile photo menu -> People -> Active members -> 3 dots menu -> Make Workplace Admin

Last updated