Personal and Business objectives

You can now capture everything you do for your work with 10xGoals, be it a goal that contributes to business targets, or a goal that tracks your personal development.

Personal objectives Any goal which contributes to your personal developmental growth is a personal objective

We all have different responsibilities at work. But even with those different responsibilities, each and everyone of us works towards our own personal development. Be it improving communication skills, or taking up a course, or building a career growth plan. We understand how important it is to track these goals for both managers and users, and hence we are introducing personal goals Creating a personal goal is very simple, just click on create objectives -> select personal goal -> and add details! Business Objectives Any goal of yours that contributes to the growth of your company is a business objective All your existing objectives on 10xGoals will be Business Goals. Any goal which is part of the OKR process is also a business goal Creating a business goal is very simple, just click on create objectives -> select business goal -> and add details!

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