Hierarchy support on 10xGoals

Admins can now upload hierarchy and demographic data on 10xGoals which can be used to support two very powerful features-

  1. My Directs section- A dedicated my directs section for managers where you can view goals for your direct reports

  2. Filter objective by owner- View objectives for the most relevant set of users by filtering them based on relevant demographic data (Team, department, location etc)

How can admins upload users and user data using CSV file

  1. Go to your site's settings page

  2. Select members tab in platform settings.

  3. Click Add member in the platform settings.

  4. Download template to your system to edit and upload the user records.

  5. Prepare the excel file by adding relevant details about all your users . You can add relevant demographic data which will help you in easier filtering and access of goals.

  6. If you add manager email for users, we will auto create the hierarchy on the tool for you

  7. Click Upload CSV file to upload user records back to the tool.

Bulk Upload is a feature that enables Administrators to upload large volumes of user records at one time by reading each record from a CSV file.

Last updated