Back dated check-ins

Users can now choose a date in the past for their check-ins.

Many times, due to external circumstances, users cannot provide check-in on a given date as the metric value as of date is not known. By the time they receive the data, verify and update it, it might take a couple of days which hampers them from recording the correct progress. Especially on the business side, where things are tracked monthly, this can become a big challenge if updates are not made on time in the tool which acts as a source of truth for an entire organization.

With back-dated check-ins, the user can now provide check-ins for a past date. This gives flexibility to business teams to have the right record on 10xGoals.

Back dated check-ins are to be used only for cases where the actual metric value is not known or the check-in was not possible on a given day due to any external circumstances.

How to create a back-dated check-in?

Follow the steps below to create backdated check-in. There are two ways to create a backdated check-in

  1. Create a new weekly check-in and back-date it.

  2. Back-date an existing check-in by updating it.

Option 1: Create a new weekly check-in and back-date it

  1. Go to My Objectives dashboard to see your OKR.

  2. Hover over the progress of the objective.

  3. Click on New Check-in to add a new check-in.

  4. Add the following details

    1. Progress

    2. Status

  5. Description of the check-in up to 1000 characters.

  6. Click on As On and select a past date to add make it a back-dated check-in.

  7. Click on Submit Check-in to update the progress.

Option 2: Backdate an existing check-in

  1. Go to My Objectives dashboard to see your OKR.

  2. Click on the Objective to be updated.

  3. Click on the edit icon of an existing check-in to update it.

  4. Update the relevant details of the existing check-in.

  5. Click on As On and select a past date to update the existing check-in.

  6. Click on Update Check-in to update the progress.

  • Back-dated check-ins can be done from the home page or in the detail page of an objective.

  • By default, as on date will be the current date. As on date should be between the objective start date and the current date for a back-dated check-in.

  • Once back-dated check-in is made, it is reflected in the progress graph, activity tab and is placed accordingly in the check-in history data.

  • Back- date check-in will have a time icon next to it to differentiate from normal check-in.

  • Immediate parent objective owner will receive email and notification of this check-in.

Last updated