Using user demographic data for filtering objectives and better visibility controls

After you have uploaded the user demographic data, it can be used to filter objectives or to better customize visibility for your objectives.

Filtering objectives via owner demographics

  1. In the all objectives section, click on the owner filter present beside the filter option.

  2. If user demographic data is uploaded, relevant demographic groups will be available in the people selector

  3. Choose a demographic you want to filter by. For example, if you want to filter objectives owned by all the product team members, Click on department- > Product team

  4. After this click on the checkbox beside the name column to select all the members of the product team. You can also choose some product team members by clicking on the checkbox beside their names.

  5. After this, check the names of the selected people on the right panel and click on done.

  6. Objectives owned by the selected people will be filtered and available for you.

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